- That era was of money, This era is of contacts. How many worthy contacts do you have? Go check your list!
- This ‘security’ breeds anxiety.
- The dairy really helps. “I can shake off everything as I write, my sorrow disappear, my courage is reborn.” ~ Anne Frank
- It’s OK! Put your feet with the beat. It’s OK, if you move at your own pace. It’s OK, if you take the stairs sometimes. It’s Ok, to take it slow this time.
- It’s absolutely fine to take a day at a time.
- Leisure defines, where our focus lies. Leisure has a central role to play in positive psychology. Find it’s proper and rightful place in the domain of free time.
- Manifest, What you want. Manifestation, Law of Attraction, and Visualization works only when we feel safer and safer to allow in that which we truly desire.
- Let’s be able to fail gracefully. A big shout to those who tried to figure out and keep in control of everything in life, but eventually failed..
- Time your Talk. The right timing is very important. It is knowing what to say and when.
- Holistic wisdom, doesn’t go out of Syllabus. Try being an enlightened being.
- Conviction determines future. “The future is uncertain.” “You can’t predict the future.” “Past results are no guarantee for the future.” This is all true. There are many uncertainties in the world around us that influence the future. And yet, Convictions determine everything we did and will ever do. It might be wise to act by your values, to stay in contact with your feeling while taking the signals from your surroundings seriously. This applies to people as well as organizations. Anyways, that’s just my conviction.
- Choose your philosophies carefully. Because, with choice there comes responsibility.
- Your Vision determines Your World. Yatha Drishti, Tatha Shristi!
- No motivation only habits. We can’t always use motivation to get somebody to learn about a new topic. If they have no immediate passion for it, they may not want to start it. As because our brain is constantly looking for ways to save efforts. Left to its own devices, the brain will try to make almost any routine into a habit, because habits allow our minds to ramp down more often. This effort-saving instincts is a huge advantage.
- Your pain, your evolution. The fact that pain states are associated with damaging experiences is the results of natural selection. Pain can be an adaptive trait and improve the survival value. In other cases pain is only a by-product of natural selection. The same can produce senseless pain or superior adaption depending on the combination with other alleles, i.e., it produces either handicapped or advantaged individuals with regards to biological fitness. If the result is a net reproductive advantage, then the allele will tend to increase in frequency in the population.
- Curiosity sprouts joy in life. Research has shown curiosity to be associated with higher levels of positive emotions, lower levels of anxiety, more satisfaction with life, and greater psychological well-being.
- Pause and train now, rock on later. Much like regular exercise and sleep, work breaks function both as prevention and intervention. “Taking regular breaks helps us to be more resilient when stressors arise, and they function as an intervention to help us deal with the daily grind.” ~ Fritz
- Let’s build habits based system. Because every goal is doomed to fail if it goes against the grain of human nature.
- Accept your results completely. Failing to accept reality created suffering where there’s already pain. It creates confusion where there can be clarity, anguish where there can be peace. We don’t accept things in order to change what’s happening, nor do we do it in order to feel better about it. We accept because it’s only logical thing to do. Whatever is happening is happening; whatever occurred already occurred. We embrace reality because it’s already here, right now, and resisting it won’t make it go away. Learning acceptance is a lifelong process, and we’re guaranteed to be given plenty of opportunities to practice. With clarity about what it means to accept and what effect it has on our well-being, we can approach our experiences differently, perhaps experiencing different results.
- Let’s practice, self-control. Practicing self-control allows you to improve it over time. Psychologists refer to this tendency as ego depletion.
- Weaponize your silence. The psychological benefit of experiencing silence is that, even when it makes us uncomfortable it can mean more purposeful living. Silence can increase self-awareness, self-compassion and improve decision-making skills with improved mental clarity. Use it to become more mindful and self-compassionate.
- Let’s became intently conscious of our consciousness. When you think about your daily life it is easy to get lulled into the belief that there is one ‘suffering’ for your conscious thought. That is, you likely believe that you hold the same opinions, values, and memories across the day and throughout the week.
- The issues are in the tissues. By using only your thinking mind to work through challenges, you can’t fully heal or grow. Exercising only your thinking abilities to heal is like removing only the external part of a splinter, where the embedded part remains stuck inside you and although it’s barely visible to the eye — it hurts! Whether you struggle with painful memories that hold you back, anxiety that has you mentally constructing a doomed future that hasn’t yet happened, depression that has you sad and lethargic, or you live in a body that has felt like your adversary… the origin of your pain lives in your body.
- Communicate to Influence. To influence is more that good communication. Communication moves information. Influence moves ideas into action and produces an effect without the use of force or command. You can communicate without influence, but you cannot influence without communicating.
- Anxiety is the mother of all progress. And at last but not the least, I wanna thank me, I wanna thank me for, believing in me. 😎
That’s a wrap I hope you found it insightful. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Instagram or website.
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